Cleaning Process
Our plastic and steel drum cleaning process is comprehensive. First, the drums are unloaded, opened, and inspected. The drums are then loaded on a progressive washer that takes them through stages of washing, rinsing, and drying. The drums are then inspected. If the drums pass inspection, they are capped, and their labels are removed. The drums are then blasted to remove all exterior coatings and identifying marks. The drums are then inspected for any exterior imperfections. After the drums pass this inspection, the chimes are re-rounded, and the drums are ready to be leak tested. The drums are leak tested on our state-of-the-art ultra-sonic leak tester that can detect holes as small as 10,000 of an inch. After this, the drums move into our automated paint booth allowing an exact amount of paint to be applied to give the coatings maximum performance and look each and every time. Upon drying, the drums are loaded and ready for delivery.
If any of the drums do not pass any of our three inspections or are unable to meet the current UN regulations, they are washed, crushed, and recycled into a raw steel resource.